A few of my dream trips, if I ever get bold again. Like most keen long distance walkers this list never ends… I am becoming interested in walking across developing countries.
If you have a dream walk across a country, let me know and I’ll add it. Some of the best ideas are when people spur each other on to greatness! Or madness… 🙂
Walking from Rushan on the Afghan border up the Bartang valley and across the plains to the Chinese border near Lake Karakul. Has been done on bikes and maybe walked before. Would be a tough trip.
From Tokmok near Bishkek, south across roads and tracks via Song-kul to Chatyr-kul.
Here’s some inspiration from Marie and Nil: Walking in Kosovo
Walking from Rajshahi across to the border somewhere near Srimangal. I almost did this some years ago, flights were booked and everything, but I let someone talk me out of it. Hmm… I later lived and worked here for some years, so did get to know the country and people.
Link to interview of Ian Packham who walked across.
Either walking across like Fearghal O’Nuallain, or following the Congo-Nile trail (cycling link).
South Korea
Across the country on the Pyeonghwa Nurigil, the Peace Trail. An east-west trail shadowing the DMZ. There is some information out there, looks like it is under construction but not complete.
“No more distractions. The elation of finally being alone was total. We walked straight west. I had everything I needed in the world resting comfortably on my shoulders, and the entire country waiting to be discovered.”
-Peter Jenkins (who walked across America)
“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.”
– Jon Muir